Serving With Wisdom

In accordance with our mission statement, we seek to develop our students spiritually and to foster a sense of social and moral responsibility. As part of their faith foundation and education, St. Thomas Aquinas High School students are encouraged to serve the St. Thomas Aquinas community as well as their local communities. Students can volunteer at soup kitchens, food pantries, houses of worship, schools, hospitals and nursing homes.

Freshman students are required to complete 40 hours of service for the school year. Service hours account for 10% of freshman students' religion grade each quarter. The quarterly breakdown is:

  • 10 hours completed by the end of the first quarter
  • 10 hours completed by the end of the second quarter
  • 10 hours completed by the end of the third quarter
  • 10 hours completed by the end of the fourth quarter

Service opportunities are announced in homeroom announcements, during religion classes, in the Principal's Newsletter and on the Donation Programs page.

If a student completes their service hours outside of St. Thomas Aquinas, they must complete a Service Timesheet and return it to room 106.

If you have any additional questions regarding service, please contact:

Dr. Wojciech Mrozek | Religion Department Chairperson | 732 549 1108 ext. 643

Mr. Michael Lewon | Campus Minister | 732 549 1108 ext. 542