The Aquinas Scholars Honors Program
Distinguished • Rigorous • Enlightened
The St. Thomas Aquinas High School Honors Program is designed to inspire high-achieving students to strive for excellence in their intellectual, spiritual, and social lives. The program is built on three distinct, yet inseparable and equally important areas which, when put together, assure that our students will succeed not only in their individual lives but also become contributing members to the wellbeing of our society. The three pillars of the Honors Program are:
Academic Skills
The program promotes and implements a solid Liberal Arts education with strong emphasis on developing good reading habits and robust writing and communication skills, coupled with emphasizing the need for critical thinking and enhancing academic curiosity.
Character Traits
In this category, the stress is not only on developing a strong moral character (which already is a fundamental value of Catholic education) but primarily on performance character which emphasizes such qualities as grit, zest, self-control, diligence, and social intelligence.
Practical/Professional Skills
Apart from emphasizing the academic and character skills, the scope of the program is broadened by offering the students a number of enrichment courses focusing on the practical, professional, career and life-oriented skills – workshops on time management, presentation skills, leadership skills, project management and problem solving skills.
We want our students to be competitive and successful. Yet, competitiveness and being successful are not values in themselves. Rather, competitiveness and success are natural outcomes of cultivating strong academic skills, great character strengths and solid practical and professional skills.
For questions about the Aquinas Scholars Honors Program, please contact Mr. Paul Nolan.