Earn College Credit
While Still in High School

STA's collaboration with these prominent universities reflects our ongoing efforts to enhance academic offerings and provide students of all interests and abilities the opportunity to excel.
Principal Harry Ziegler



What is dual enrollment?

Dual enrollment allows students to earn college credits for courses taken at STA, which can earn college credits that will transfer to hundreds of other universities.

“The benefits of the program are obvious,” noted Theology teacher and long-time dual enrollment participant Dr. Wojchiech Mrozek. “Students are exposed to more demanding course content and at the same time are able to earn college credits while still being in high school.”

What sets STA’s dual enrollment program apart from some other high schools is that there is no barrier to entry, such as minimum GPA or SAT score, for students who want to earn college credits. Any student who signs up for an approved dual enrollment course can earn college credits, so long as he or she meets the end-of-course requirements. This provides a remarkable academic opportunity for students ranging from freshmen to seniors, Journey to Success to Honors Program, athletes to musicians.

Dual enrollment benefits all students, even those who are still undecided about which college to attend or what to study. A 2016 report by the College Affordability Study Commission found that students who take dual-enrollment classes are more likely to go to college, be prepared to do college-level work, and earn a college degree. In some cases, students earn enough credits while in high school to reduce the amount of time, and money, they need to spend in college. Or, having to take fewer courses allows students to pursue a second major, a minor, or to study abroad without necessitating summer courses.

We currently offer the following Dual Enrollment courses, with more added every year:
  • Theology II Honors: World Religions
  • French I Honors
  • French II Honors
  • French III Honors
  • Italian I Honors
  • Italian II Honors
  • Italian III Honors
  • Western Civilization Honors
  • Introduction to Programming
  • AP® Computer Science A


Dual Enrollment by the Numbers