Parent Athletic Club
Our Mission
The Parent Athletic Club supports St. Thomas Aquinas High School athletics by raising funds to help offset the costs of running the Athletic Department.
In these times of rising costs and defeated budgets, when we see many public school boards and state universities cutting funding for athletic programs, the importance of our mission is vitally clear. The PAC provides a great opportunity to meet other STA families, to earn parent service hours, and to be involved in making a real impact on the quality of our children's high school experience.
Come Meet Us!
Meetings are held on the second Monday of each month at 7:00 p.m. Please feel free to join us at our next meeting. Freshman parents please contact Katie at
[email protected] to be added to the PAC list. Thank you!
You can also look for us at the Back-to-School nights and at the concessions stands for sporting events.
Volunteers are always needed to support these activities and events. There are great opportunities for parents to become involved and earn parent service hours.
We use to organize volunteering hours. If you are interested in joining:
- Email Katie Negron at [email protected] to get your email added to VolunteerSpot
- Wait for emails asking you to sign-up for events at VolunteerSpot
- Once you are registered, you could also see a list of current invitations for PAC volunteer opportunities by submitting to "Find my current sign-up sheet" at
2022-23 Parent Athletic Club Executive Board