Please join us in the Little Theatre at St. Thomas Aquinas High School on TUESDAY, SEPT. 5 at 6:30pm for an important parent meeting for any parent or guardian whose student is interested in participating in Music or Drama during the 2023-24 school year.
Student and Parent Information:
The Music Department posts and updates the rehearsal calendar on the LMS Canvas. All students and parents/guardians of members of the STA Music Department are required to sign-up through our Canvas account to receive important news and information. A parent/guardian representing each student MUST sign up for to observe their student on Canvas, so that parents may make use of this valuable communication tool. Any other necessary information can be found on the Music Department Canvas course. There are a total of six Music Department courses:
Aquinas Music Department (required for ALL members)
Marching Trojans (only for members of that ensemble)
Concert Band (only for members of that ensemble)
Concert Choir (only for members of that ensemble)
Jazz Band (only for members of that ensemble)
Select Chorus (only for members of that ensemble)
*All other pertinent information is available on Canvas.