School Safety And Security

The #1 priority of the St. Thomas Aquinas High School administration, faculty, and staff is the safety of our students. We fulfill this mission by maintaining a safe, orderly, and inviting environment before, during, and after the school day. All students and teachers are trained on emergency procedures and our faculty Crisis Management Team and student Crisis Management Team train and collaborate on emergency situations. We also work actively with local law enforcement to implement safety protocols and drills.

Access to the school building is restricted at all times of the day with cameras and card access controlled doors. The building is monitored by teachers and security guards throughout the school day as well as after school. And the entire interior and exterior of the building is monitored by security cameras at all times.

For any questions regarding our safety procedures, please contact Vice Principal Mr. Bob Turco at 732 549 1108 ext. 602 or at [email protected].