Schoology Access Code

Schoology is for Drama Department Members ONLY.

All of our information that pertains to all Drama Dept. Members regarding fundraising, our current productions, auditions, backstage opportunities, etc. can now be found on schoology. 

If you are a new Drama Dept. member, you and a parent/guardian MUST JOIN SCHOOLOGY*.  We do not use the website or email anymore for daily forms of communication. This is how you do it...

  1. Go to and click sign up. Whether you are a student or a parent, you must sign up as a student.
  2. Then you must enter this access code and click continue - B76CV-26632
  3. Fill out the required form, then click register.
  4. Once you register, you must wait for instructor approval before receiving full access to the Drama Dept. Course.
  5. Please click on your account settings (this can be found at the top right corner of the screen by clicking the drop arrow next to your name). Then you MUST CHANGE YOUR TIMEZONE SETTING to America/New York. 

*I am requesting that every parent and every student have their own login to schoology. This allows me to accurately see who the course members are. This also allows me to reach out to the parents separately if needed.